Photos from the Gypsy premiere
Official trailer for Gypsy. June 20th. Ay mi dios

Hbo's Room 104 release its official trailer. We release July 29th. #DuplassBrothers
May 24th my SVU episode airs. Here's a preview clip. #ThePersonalBecameProfessional. PS. I'm marrying Mariska one day

June 30th, you get proof that it's your therapist who's actually 51-50... I'm in a Netflix show called Gypsy with Naomi Watts and some other insanely talented people
SO f'ing excited to be part of the ensemble cast for HBO's Room 104 by the too cool for school Duplass brothers. July 28 people!
I'm biting my nails watching the trailers even though I know how it ends!!! #TheNightOf premieres on HBO July 10th